Saint-Didier primary school


summary > school


A Balint group is currently operational in our school. Such groups are also known by other names, such as "analysis of practical experience" group or "'support to support" group. More important though is what they do.

The group is made up of volunteers (in this case, all the teachers in our school, the registered childminder and some people invited to join) who think - with the help of a psychoanalyst – about problems encountered in our relationships at work.

In contrast to other pages on this site, concrete examples are not provided here because of confidentiality issues. Effectively, everything that is said within the Balint group remains confidential.

The other principles are the following :

• solidarity : any problem experienced by one member becomes a problem for everyone else,

• non-conflict environment:   there are no conflicts between the members of the group,

• full attention to problem : the group is entirely focused on one problem.

At the beginning of each meeting, we draw up a statement of satisfactions and/or non-satisfactions experienced at work, and any difficulties with specific pupils. Then the group chooses which cases will be addressed during the session.

First, a "case" is introduced. Everyone says how they feel, and what their deep-seated emotions are.

Second comes the stage of "intelligibility". The group is not looking for solutions; it’s all about how to understand your neighbour, how to incorporate his/her concerns.

The psychoanalyst’s contribution provides a different perspective, shedding light on issues that would otherwise remain inexplicable. From this understanding, solutions can be found. What can be changed ? What is the obstacle? This is the third stage of the method created by the psychoanalyst Jacques Levine. The analyst makes sure that courses of action for resolving the problem will be generated before the end of the session.

The optional fourth stage consists in thinking about educational theories and their relation to the "psyche". What does the teacher’s imaginary audience look like ? Who does the teacher think is looking at him/her ?

Remi Casteres

This page has been translated from French by Andreas Theodorou.




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summary > school

Last Update :11/07/04